All the media attention has focused on Britney Spears’ debut on “The X Factor” when it returns for its second season on Wednesday, September 12. Based on the newly-released promo, it could be the much less-heralded Demi Lovato that might end up stealing the show. There were rumblings early on that the “Skyscraper” singer wasn’t afraid to butt heads with acerbic Brit judge Simon Cowell. Those rumors have been proven true as evident by the banter between the two in the new clip.
Lovato teases about Cowell’s bad breath, possible funeral attendance turn out, and being old and impatient. Surprisingly, they have great chemistry. Perhaps the producers noticed this too and that’s why they swapped Britney and Demi’s spots on the panel. Initially, Spears was seated next to Cowell for the first few audition cities. Given the amount of money Spears was paid compared to Lovato, The FOX show might get more bang for the buck with the 19-year-old singer, if she continues her playful rapport with Simon.
Lovato teases about Cowell’s bad breath, possible funeral attendance turn out, and being old and impatient. Surprisingly, they have great chemistry. Perhaps the producers noticed this too and that’s why they swapped Britney and Demi’s spots on the panel. Initially, Spears was seated next to Cowell for the first few audition cities. Given the amount of money Spears was paid compared to Lovato, The FOX show might get more bang for the buck with the 19-year-old singer, if she continues her playful rapport with Simon.